Can COVID Cause a Metallic Taste in the Mouth?
Can Metallic Taste in Mouth be Caused by Covid? “foul metallic taste in his mouth” In April, a man in New Zealand reported to the daily mail of having a “foul metallic taste in his mouth” after eating tomato sauce. Later, the man was diagnosed with coronavirus.[1] “bland and metallic” Another woman, before being diagnosed […]
Natural Metallic Taste Oral Rinse For Your Patients
What is Metallic Taste, also known as dysgeusia? Metallic taste is a taste disorder medically known as dysgeusia. It is an abnormal or impaired sense of taste, or an unpleasant alteration of taste sensation and is usually described as a persistent metallic, sour, or bitter taste in the mouth. This temporary unpleasant taste in the […]
From Nose to Toes, COVID-19 Symptoms Keep Increasing
Coronavirus continues to convey news of constant despair — spiking numbers are causing new lockdown rules in some areas where states cannot regain control of the virus. To reduce the spread, it is extremely important to monitor symptoms and get tested if you are experiencing symptoms or were exposed to the virus…
GERD and Metallic Taste
Most patients are familiar with common symptoms of GERD such as nausea, vomiting, belching, and dry cough. It is very common that GERD causes metallic taste, a taste disorder medically known as dysgeusia.
Blood Pressure Medications and Metallic Taste
Blood Pressure Medications and Metallic Taste High blood pressure is a common health condition, especially in the elderly. It can cause heart disease and is a leading cause of stroke [1, 2]. It is managed through prescribed medications that have to be taken on a regular basis. Many blood pressure medications have side effects including […]